Originally Posted by m2w
Anti-Camorra Blitz Between Frattamaggiore and Frattaminore: 20 Arrests. “Pezzella” Clan Destroyed

The suspects are considered seriously suspected of crimes related to organized crime, in particular the “Pezzella” clan, active between Fratta and Crispano. The charges include mafia-style criminal association, robbery, extortion – both attempted and completed – in addition to the possession and illegal possession of clandestine firearms, receiving stolen goods and crimes related to drug trafficking . All the crimes contested are aggravated by the objective of favoring a mafia-style association.

Investigators have ascertained the operation of the criminal association, active in the extortion sector against entrepreneurs and shopkeepers. The use of weapons to assert itself against other rival clans, such as the Cristiano-Mormile, has been documented. The investigations have also reconstructed the entrepreneurial capabilities of the gang linked to the marketing of drugs such as cocaine and hashish in the areas of Frattaminore and Frattamaggiore.

There is also the neomelodic singer Lisa Castaldi among the 20 people arrested.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"