tony iavarone attending the wedding in 2018 is around time the rizzuto-sollecito clan would have been forming an alliance with the montreal HA chapter. this alliance seems to have deteriorated at some point in 2022. i dont think we can say the iavarones had anything to do with the mayhem in montreal concerning the 'war for the book' circa 2022-2023...2024? but the iavarones likely in alliance or as a crew/cell of the violi-luppino faction of the buffalo family did have involvement in the murders centering around the musitanos 2017-2020.
the continuing question would be then. were the musitanos still in alliance with the rizzuto-sollecito clan when the murders began 2017+- or is the reference to that alliance from many years back before even vito rizzuto was imprisoned? i dont think we really know. i will say as well i dont think the rizzuto-sollecito clan were in any position to offer help to the musitanos even if an alliance did exist. the scoppa brothers had already murdered rocco sollecito and lorenzo giordano, the 2 top leaders for a time of said clan. continuing with the falduto bros, then the accidental hit on vincenzo spagnolo all in 2016. add on top of that an endless series of arsons and attempted murders into 2017. the small group of members still loyal to the r-s clan could only afford to protect territory and rackets that they had in and around montreal let alone down into southern ontario and hamilton.