That makes sense, war equals less money. It seemed like the Scoppas had a problem with Greg Woolley, seeing as they’re from Italy, that would make lots of sense. Putting a black first, instead of their own, would never fly, let alone be possible in Italy. Now, the Scoppas and Picasso are dead wtf!
It's possible they had a problem with Woolley but not because he was black. Judging from Andrew's book, their(or his) problem was mainly with Steve Sauce(Stefano Sollecito), and Woolley was brought in by Steve as the Rizzuto's muscle, and Andrew may have been jealous, Andrew turned on the Rizzutos after Vito died because he felt they didn't appreciate the help he gave them while Vito was still inside, and he thought Steve Sauce was manipulating Vito, clipping people he had a problem while pretending he was "cleaning house" for Vito.
On the other side, Steve Sauce and Woolley thought Sal Scoppa was a snitch and was stealing from them and wanted to clip him, but Leonardo said no. But word was leaked back to Sal and that's when things kicked off between them.
I see, it’s so strange that they would support a black over one of their own, that’s probably at the real core of why the mob has fallen in Canada. At least with the bikers in Quebec and the few like them in Ontario, they are hard core white, so they have that in common. Listening to people talk about Woolley and any other street gang member as if they aren’t just a hood gangster that has aged, which is a miracle in their reality, makes me laugh. Big business requires big brains, street gangs automatically imply they are lacking that. Maybe when Canada becomes the 51st State, Canada can get back to the way it was when, the white guys, the mob and bikers were one gang and the country was great!
I know that Woolley was in Ontario regularly in both TO and Hamilton, any ideas who his contacts were? Harley Guindon was one, he’s in TO. What about the bikers and street gangs in the Hammer? I think he knew or dated a Gravelle in Hamilton.