https://www.corrieredellacalabria.i...-o-calabria-e-vietnam-entrano-in-guerra/THE INVESTIGATION
'Ndrangheta, Cambareri's impositions on his partner: accept or "Calabria and Vietnam go to war"
In Brescia, at the end of summer 2020, the clash between the boss of San Roberto and some associates takes place, after the theft of 600 thousand euros. "I have an army of friends"
Published: 02/18/2025 – 7:00
BRESCIA A month's break, the time needed to reorganize after the hard blow suffered with the maxi-seizure of the Guardia di Finanza that took place in Scilla (we reported it here). It is the summer of 2020 and Giovanni Natalino Cambareri (class of '69) from Scilla , is more intent than ever on carrying out his plans: to bring more cash to Calabria and "destroy" the criminal association led by Giuseppe Zeli (class of '76) and the Vietnamese Hung Giang Vu (class of '79) known as "Gianni", all arrested in the investigation of the Brescia District Anti-Mafia, on the orders of the investigating judge Alessandro d'Altilia.
It was July 29 when Cambareri, in a conversation intercepted by the prosecutor's office with Mariano Oliveri, said he had spoken to his father, Mario, to whom he explained that, instead of worrying about the money seized in Scilla, they should have planned "how to obtain, illicitly, more money", perhaps using a relay of at least five cars. In Cambareri's plan, as emerged from the investigation, there was the intention then to finance mainly his brother Domenico and divide the remaining part between the Oliveri and Sgarlato families, for the wedding of their respective daughters.
Everything postponed until September
Intentions postponed until September, when Simone Iacca (class of '85) – also arrested – allegedly identified a house without a rental contract near Desenzano del Garda. In short, a new operational base essential to carry out his plan: to strike again at the original organization and impose his leadership. Even with strong methods. Cambareri, as reconstructed by the prosecution, not only denies any responsibility for the theft of the 600 thousand euro loot but, speaking with Zeli and Vu, he also raised the possibility of carrying out retaliatory actions against them, targeting the Vietnamese in particular, literally invited to leave Brescia. As emerged from the investigation, therefore, Cambareri was trying to crystallize around himself "a new criminal group, subjugating his former associates and, at the same time, trying to guarantee their future support".
«Today Calabria and Vietnam went to war»
The Calabrian, obviously taking advantage of his criminal record and being able to count on his 'ndrangheta power, does not hesitate to talk about "war", implying that he can count on a large number of "friends". "If you want war, let's make war": this, in short, is what Cambareri had to "offer" to the two, becoming particularly threatening with Vu: "If it is not possible to talk, Gianni, it means that today Vietnam and Calabria have entered into war" . A message that became even clearer shortly after: "I can be with money and without money, but I have an army of friends". Also because Cambareri is considered " regent of the 'ndrangheta clan of San Roberto, in the Reggio area " already convicted in 2015 for mafia-type criminal association and detained until June 2017 under the 41bis regime.
READ ALSO: The 'ndrangheta of Reggio in Brescia: the companies, the clash between cousins ??and the risk of a "war"
The agreement imposed by force
It is in this scenario of intimidation that the Calabrian manages to impose the agreement on the Vietnamese: Vu would continue to "provide him with cash in exchange for a 2.5% commission" and the guarantee of not suffering any further thefts of money, effectively obtaining a "truce". In the meantime, he also convinces him that he had nothing to do with the robbery, referring to alleged judicial investigations against other individuals who, in some way, could have involved them too. And, above all, he makes him a promise: that of tracing the real perpetrators. After all, one of his family had been beaten - this is the official version - and therefore there was a "code of honor" to respect. Also because, as repeated by Cambareri, "whoever knows the Calabrians also knows what that gesture means" . None of this, however, corresponded to the truth. ( )