The hidden costs of Israel’s negotiations with Hamas
The Jerusalem Post by David M. Weinberg 14 February 2025

  • released terrorists back to terrorism
This is the place to recall the dangers of the “stage one” deal already being implemented and the even more wild dangers of potential stage two and three deals: the release of thousands more of Palestinian terrorists

The released terrorists assuredly will strike again, with God-only-knows how many Israeli casualties in the future

Their release certainly will,
1. incentivize future kidnappings,
2. pour gasoline onto the terrorist fires already raging in Judea and Samaria
3. and catapult Hamas toward its intended takeover of Judea and Samaria

I know this to be a fact because this has been the case with every previous terrorist release Israel repeatedly has erred by letting terrorists loose to murder more Israelis

And each time, in advance of every deal, the Israeli “security establishment” arrogantly and falsely has assured Israeli politicians and the public that it,
“will know how to manage the situation” ie: how to track the terrorists and crush any nascent return to terrorist activity without too much harm done

But this has never proven to be true
Every deal involving the release of terrorists has led to much bloodshed – planned and conducted by these released terrorists

In short, dealing Palestinian terrorists for Israeli hostages might be the most necessary thing in the world to do but it also is a difficult thing to do
The cost will pay out over a prolonged period and it will be steep This is important to keep in mind