After Herridge asked Rubio about Hamas’ strength, given the apparent number of terrorists involved in the release ceremonies, Rubio stated that the group had been weakened despite the apparent show of force.

Rubio stated, affirming the Trump administration’s stance that Hamas cannot remain in Gaza:
“They clearly have enough people to still be a threat at some level, but they can't be allowed to reconstitute,”

Hamas cannot be allowed to once again be a group that can do three things: They just can't be, to:
1. terrorize the people of Gaza,
2. attack Israel,
3. and actually be a government or anything like a government anywhere in the world.

He claimed,“As long as Hamas is in Gaza, there will never be peace in Gaza because:
1. they are going to go back to attacking Israel,
2. and Israel is going to have to respond.”

The secretary of state also argued that even the U.S. government would not tolerate a group like Hamas on its border.

Rubio stated firmly, We would eliminate them We would wipe them out.
1. “If a group like that was operating on the other side of our border with Canada or Mexico, constantly launching attacks,
2. if a group existed in Mexico that came across our border, kidnapped Americans, babies, and launched rockets”

"No country in the world can coexist alongside a group whose intended purpose is the destruction of your state and is willing to commit atrocities like this in the pursuance of it.”