The son never knew who did it, he said so in earlier interviews. Since he has written the book, he has said "I'll go along with the Carlo Gambino theory." Which means he is just getting it off sources in books or online. I think Eboli had to be killed by others in the genovese Family. The original sources for it being Gambino were law enforcement leaking stories to friendly reporters to get talk going about Gambino.

Eboli's son seems to be a good man, I like how he comes off. It is a bit disappointing to see him just throw in the Gambino as killer story due to lack of any real knowledge, but he is old and did not know what else to say.

Does anyone have the outage of a file that used to be on MaryFarrell where Eboli is caught on tape in 1966 talking about how he thought people in a car outside a place he had been in were there to kill him? He laughed it off when telling the story, I think Mike Miranda was on of those he was speaking with.