Germany and Israel after the Bundestag election
The Jerusalem Post by Eldad Beck 23 February 2025

  • Palestinians - German defense and finance
The German political establishment, from the Left and Right, has been defending the Palestinians for far too long

Somehow, the strange idea of a German “double responsibility” towards the Jewish victims of the Nazis and the “victims of the victims”
ie: the Palestinians, became a leitmotif of German foreign policy in the Middle East

This allows Berlin not only to interfere in Israeli internal and external politics but also to very generously finance the Palestinians, despite their commitment to the destruction and annihilation of the Jewish state

According to official records, Germany paid Palestinian bodies, including UNRWA €913 million in 2023 and 2024

The Germans have become one of the Palestinians’ main donors however anti-Israeli and anti-peace they are

Such an attitude reflects more irresponsibility than responsibility