The character of Popeye has now entered the public domain and with that, he's quickly treated to his own horror spin off. This one involves the house where Popeye lived and died, attempting to be reopened as a summer camp. However, with a new batch of unsuspecting visitors, Popeye can't help but greet them with a ripe welcome. The film shares many similarities with the FRIDAY THE 13th franchise except for quality. I knew exactly what I was getting into when I decided to watch this but even I didn't expect the amateur hour I sat through. The cast and crew are green. The effects and makeup are halfway decent and while I usually can laugh along by the shear absurdity of the story or at minimum gain some type of satisfaction from watching these films, this sadly has no redeeming qualities. It's not funny, it's not scary, it's a little gory but overall, just boring. 4/10