The wording of resolution A/ES-11/L.10 refers:
1. to Russia's "aggression against Ukraine,"
2. and demands an "immediate cessation of the hostilities by the Russian Federation against Ukraine."

Korniychuk said: "Unfortunately, the State of Israel found itself among 18 nations who opposed supporting basic principles of truth and democracy,"

He added: He has been receiving calls from "Israeli ministers, Members of Knesset, and ordinary citizens that are saying how ashamed they feel because of this voting." -- I bet!

Korniychuk also thanked Israelis for supporting Ukraine since the invasion began.

He continued: "I am repeating again and again that the people of Ukraine and Israel are one big family that feels the pain of each other,"
"That is why it is so hard to comprehend the position of the officials of the State of Israel, the state that is at war after being unprovokedly attacked, the state that, like Ukraine, is fighting for its right to exist."