From: The Jerusalem Post February 25, 2025
past Voting of Israel, Ukraine at the UN:

While this is the first time Israel has voted against Ukraine, it has abstained from voting in the past.

In November 2022 Israel abstained from voting at the UNGA after the UN said Russia should be required to pay reparations to Ukraine for war-related damages.

The UN resolution said Russia "must bear the legal consequences of all of its internationally wrongful acts, including making reparation for the injury, including any damage, caused by such acts."

This abstention came just a few days after Ukraine voted with the Palestinians on a resolution calling on the International Court of Justice to consider whether Israel’s “occupation” of the West Bank should be viewed as illegal annexation.

In July 2023 the then-Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Michael Brodsky told Ukrainian outlet ZN.UA that:
Ukraine supports 90% of anti-Israel decisions in the United Nations.
"This is unusual considering Kyiv often turns to the Israeli authorities for various requests,"

"If Ukraine sees Israel as a friendly nation and makes requests from it, then it needs to support us in the matters that are important to us just as Israel works with Ukraine on matters important to it."

1. Ukraine supports 90% of anti-Israel decisions in the United Nations.
2. In the ten years between 2015-2025 Ukraine did not vote in favor of a single 'pro-Israel' resolution.
3. It voted against Israel in 75% of the votes, and abstained for the other 25%, according to the UN Watch Country Database.

However, in March 2024 Israel voted in favor of a UN General Assembly UNGA resolution on Thursday demanding an end to Russia’s war against Ukraine and calling for civilian protection.