From: The Jerusalem Post February 25, 2025
US pressure on Israel:

Maariv reported that the Israel 'no' vote came as a result of, or in the context of, “massive American pressure.”

According to Axios, the Trump administration tried, and failed to pressure Ukraine to not submit the resolution and later submitted an alternative resolution.

The US version - A/ES-11/L.11
1. called for a "swift end to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine
2. but did not specifically condemn Russia.

When asked why the US voted no, President Trump told reporters on Monday, "I would rather not explain it now, but it’s sort of self-evident."

1. Trump has recently attempted to renew relations with Russia,
2. and in recent days called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a “dictator."

From: Haaretz February 25, 2025
Israel's UNGA Vote Against Ukraine Is About Much More Than Just Backing Trump

The Netanyahu government is:
1. moving toward Russia, away from Ukraine,
2. and also closer to Vladimir Putin's favored disruptor parties in Europe.

It's tempting to view Israel's vote against Ukraine at the UN General Assembly UNGA on Monday as a direct result of the new winds blowing from the United States, where the Trump administration has – to the astonishment of most world governments – adopted a pro-Russian line.

It is something Jerusalem's Western allies will have to consider going forward
They are no allies... abandoned and betrayed Israel, in its most dire situation since the holocaust