From: The Times of Israel February 24, 2025

Meanwhile, Israeli leaders have repeatedly stressed in recent days that there are battle plans ready, in the event that the deal should collapse and fighting resume.
Originally Posted by Trojan
No doubt so are Hamas and other terrorists

Israel learned a very painful lesson at brutal cost from:
1. underestimating Hamas
2. and overestimating themselves

Its complacency resulted in the current Day 511 bloody, brutal terror, monstrous, violent Guerilla warfare unleashed inside Israel's borders -- easily preventable

1. How could Israel been so surprised, caught off guard?
2. dismally failed all fronts despite their supposedly Fort Knox deterrence?
3. Where was the army when their kibbutzim were overrun by terrorists?
4. They were not even aware Hamas was inside Israel, running amok, for hours
5. over 1,200 killed over 250 taken hostage

Originally Posted by Trojan
Israel on its knees... forced to negotiate with evil, terrible Terrorists still calling the shots mad