From: Haaretz February 28, 2025 Trump advances $3.17 billion weapons sale to Israel
The Trump administration formally advanced more than $3 billion in weapons sales to Israel, notifying Congress of three separate sales that offer a dramatic sign of support from the administration amid concerns of America First isolationists dictating policy.
It appears that the new sale, like the preceding one, was advanced without the approval of all relevant committee leaders in Congress. This is the latest example of Trump disregarding longstanding precedents in how the U.S. government functions and engages with foreign allies.
the State Department said about the sales:
The Secretary of State has determined and provided detailed justification that an emergency exists that requires the immediate sale to the Government of Israel of the above defense articles and defense services in the national security interests of the United States, thereby waiving the Congressional review requirements
Both the new Trump sale and the proposed Biden sale come from pre-allocated U.S. military assistance to Israel stipulated in the 10-year memorandum of understanding between the two countries.