Originally Posted by Montrose
Originally Posted by RushStreet

How the fuck do they even get away with that? A guy as Powerful as Escobar during that time easily could have sent guys and created a blood bath of mob guys being whacked left and right.

He was powerful in Colombia, not New York. No one has ever killed mob guys "left and right" except other mob guys.

Originally Posted by RushStreet
This is the reason Chris was killed by Roy Demeo after he robbed the guys for their cocaine. Roy had no choice but to do it because of the consequences he was facing if it wasn't done.
First of all, those guys were Cuban, not Colombian.
And Roy had to do it because he was ordered to do it by Nino and Paul. And the reason he was ordered to do it was because Chris was a complete nobody. Why would Nino, much less Paul, give a shit about Chris? Why wouldn't they they give him up at the slightest inconvenience?

That aside, from what I remember from the book, Chris killed 4 of their guys and El Negro's girlfriend/mother of his child. And rather than kill Chris themselves, maybe torture him etc. the Cubans asked the Gambinos to kill Chris. And then waited and waited and tried to sound tough and waited some more, until Roy finally killed Chris.

That's 1 body for the price of 5, and again, Chris was a nobody. How do you spin that into "the Gambinos were scared of the big bad Cubans"? But anyway that's beside the point since they weren't Escobar's guys.

Ok I'll ask you this....

If the Gambinos had robbed Colombians in Miami, does Escobar send a hit team to take those guys out? I understand maybe not send them all the way up to New York but Escobar was powerful as fuck in Miami during the 1980s and had lots of soldiers living there at the time. Griselda Blanco was working for Escobar and god forbid anyone tried to rob her of her cocaine and harm her men. She would have made sure they were taken out and it wouldn't have been very pleasant. She wouldn't have given a fuck they worked for the Gambinos or any mob family for that matter. Eye for an Eye, she was ruthless and brutal and didn't put up with that bullshit.

I'll just answer my own question.......... If it happened in Miami not only would they have been killed, their fuckin heads would have been shipped on a silver platter up to John Fuckin Gotti.

Last edited by RushStreet; 03/03/25 04:17 PM.