Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Captbony1999
NYM - do you know when and how long for did he continue the status of Capo, and also both who took control of his crew and also his gambling empire?

And as I wrote, by the time his day in tlegalized "off-track" horse betting, his numbers biz went out the window with the advent of LOTTO a few years later, and by the late 1970s, legalized gambling had come to Atlantic City, and later, Connecticut.

Was it strictly horses at the off track? No other sports betting or fruit machines?

Always find it slightly comical that betting/ lottery and money lending by the mob was forever being criminally investigated by LE when if you put on a suit and tie and set up a corporate entity you was ok. ( Especially in the UK where we are bombarded with gambling adverts. Also USED to be the same with payday companies. Who even lent against your benefits).