More I read about it ( including Gotti tapes book) the more I believe that Gravano wanted and pushed for the murders of DiBernado, Milito and maybe Dibono.
From the wiretap it's clear that Gotti was of the mind that The Bull had bullshitted him into killing. Although Gotti had way to big an ego to fully admit that he'd been played for a dummy.
Who benefited from the killings, DiBernado was the main gambino link to the construction unions. Gravano took that position.
He said DiB was badmouthing the new admin, hard to believe from a guy who was intricately involved in the ' fist' plot . Plus he wasn't some street tough with a crew. More of a businessman.
Sammy just wanted what he had , maybe borrowed a load of money beforehand as well. In his book he said Ruggiero owed the money and pushed for it not him.
Easy to wind Gotti up as he was in jail whilst this was going on.
Milito was in jail when Sparks happened and Gravano hated him. By the time Milito gets out his enemy is now part of the admin.
Gravano reckons it was Frank Decicco who wanted to kill Milito for a reason that had everything to do with Gravano and nothing to do with Decicco.
Again Gravano comes out with the " he(
Milito) is bad mouthing us" line to Gotti.
No wonder Gotti's lawyers went with that line of reasoning at trial. Makes sense.
Also Gotti knew he'd been played, that's why he is on tape saying
" I knew what they were doing but I let them do it anyway".