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05/19/05 08:01 PM
05/19/05 08:01 PM
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Joined: Feb 2002
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Well, what did you expect? We cant have tons of Political topics and not a single one about religion..... Its like Salt without Pepper! Personally Im not a believer, nor do I believe theres anything after death, but how about you: 1) Do you believe in Heaven/ Hell ? What do you think happens when we die? 2) Is there a 'next world' for animals as well? say Dogs for example..
"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"
- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)
Re: Religion
05/19/05 09:16 PM
05/19/05 09:16 PM
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I dont follow any religion in particular even if I was raised like catholic,I tend to think in myself like an eternal seeker. I dont know if a heaven/hell exist for real, I think its here in earth, in life, our life can have both of them, I tend to belive more in karma type of philosophy, I guess we come here for learn, sometimes our lessons are more tough than others people, well not all the students are the same and I do belive our actions have consequences. About animals, I hope they have some place to go, b/c I really love my dogs and animals in general. Like I said in my previous setences, I`m an eternal seeker, Im not even sure if a god exist or not, sometimes, I want to belive and the other half I see the world is full of shit and I think why if a god exist let this happend to that poor people, I only know, I wanna know, so thats show me, I´m nothing in this huge world full of people even if sometimes we tend to think we are the masters of our existence I`m not so sure anymore.
" What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy?"
" Take me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life"- there is a light that never goes out by The smiths.
Re: Religion
05/19/05 09:28 PM
05/19/05 09:28 PM
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Don Cardi

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IMHO I think that when it comes to discussing one's religious beliefs, it is like walking a very thin line. Personally I think that this is one subject that should not be debated. Everyone has different religious beliefs and therefore someone may offend someone else by saying the wrong thing about what another's religious belief is. When people debate politics, movies, etc., for the most part they are debating an issue that they may not really take to heart. Heck, how many times during political debates do some of us get really pissed off and the debate turns into a flame war! And that's just a political belief! So imagine debating a religious belief, something that a person was brought up on and belives in with all their heart and soul? Nah, no offense Fame, but I'm not touching this one. I just have too much respect for people's persoanl religious beliefs and I do not feel that ANYONE should ever tell another what they should and should not believe in as far as thier spirtitual beliefs go! Not telling anyone else here not to post, for that is not my right, and it is your freedom to post what you want, but I am speaking for me, personally. Don Cardi 
Don Cardi Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.
Re: Religion
05/19/05 10:08 PM
05/19/05 10:08 PM
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Nobody should tell anyone what to believe or not to believe, this thread is to read different opinions about the issue above - you just say what you think about it, youre not telling others what to think. And why should anyone fight in this forum anyway? We are all Godfather fans - we should know something about Honor and Respect, the name of the family stays clean! And DC...offended by you?Jou kiddin me or what? You are a GREAT man, Don Cardi, and you always mean well! Rock On!
"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"
- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)
Re: Religion
05/20/05 12:21 AM
05/20/05 12:21 AM
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I am a Christian. I'm not any specific Protestant religion, just Christian. I believe in God, and I believe Jesus Christ is our Savior. I've read the Bible, I try to apply some of its lessons to my everyday life. But, being a Christian, I'm definitely not a Bible thumper. If someone who is un-religious is having a tough time in life, I'll recommend prayer, but I'll recommend it with the reasoning that it helps me. I try not to judge people, because in my faith, there is one judge, one jury, and He is the Lord. Who the hell am I to judge anybody. Those who don't believe, its not my concern. Those who do, its not my concern either. I don't look down on those who have no faith, who have no religion. I believe religion is one of many choices that an individual has to make on his or her own. I choose to believe.
"Growing up my dad was like 'You have a great last name, Galifianakis. Galifianakis...begins with a gal...and ends with a kiss...' I'm like that's great dad, can we get it changed to 'Galifianafuck' please?" -- Zach Galifianakis
Re: Religion
05/20/05 01:42 AM
05/20/05 01:42 AM
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Folsom Prison
No religion here.
Heaven and Hell don't exist.
You just rot in the ground.
Just my beliefs, don't agree? That's fine by me.
The Doc
And you liar, teller of tall tales: you trample all the Lord's commandments underfoot, you murder, steal, commit adultery, and afterward break into tears, beat your breast, take down your guitar and turn sin into a song. Shrewd devil, you know very well that God pardons singers no matter what they do, because he can simply die for a song.
Re: Religion
05/20/05 02:37 AM
05/20/05 02:37 AM
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Posts: 31,330 New Jersey, USA
J Geoff
The Don
The Don

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Originally posted by Don Cardi: I'm gonna sustain from this one. You're gonna keep it going, huh? I see how it is.... :p Next time, perhaps abstain from it... Fame - Topics like this are almost destined to be closed. It's been discussed before, many times. But I see what you mean, and perhaps this will be the exception. But I doubt it.... 
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey!  lol Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin My DVDs | Facebook | Godfather Filming Locations
Re: Religion
05/20/05 07:52 AM
05/20/05 07:52 AM
Joined: Aug 2001
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Don Cardi

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Originally posted by J Geoff: [quote]Originally posted by Don Cardi: [b]I'm gonna sustain from this one. You're gonna keep it going, huh? I see how it is.... :p Next time, perhaps abstain from it... [/b][/quote]If I ABstain, then I cannot jump back in if it turns into a war of words! If I SUstain, then I leave the door open for myself to get right back in!  :p Actually I thank you for pointing out my typo. That is why you are The Don! Don Cardi 
Don Cardi Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.
Re: Religion
05/20/05 06:37 PM
05/20/05 06:37 PM
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State Asylum
Y'all probably won't believe this -- seeing as how "fleshly" I am -- but (1) Yes. Heaven or Hell. and (2) I think animals will definitely be a part of the New Earth (in Eternity Future). "Heaven" won't be our ultimate final home, if you believe the Bible: the New Earth will be. And there are plenty of references in the Good Book that speak of animals in the new earthly kingdom (e.g., "the lion shall lay down with the lamb," "the beast from the wild shall be led by a child," etc.). Now, on the issues of whether or not our dead pets and the like will be there, the Bible is silent. 
"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God." "God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)
Re: Religion
05/21/05 01:29 AM
05/21/05 01:29 AM
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Posts: 90 Texas
Robert DeNiro
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I believe we are all destined to hop on a comet that will pass the earth by in about 7 years. In order to get on this comet, we will all need to lock ourselves into a compound, wear all white dressing, nike shoes, and consume poison to kill ourselves. Thats the only way we can make it onto the comet that will take us to heaven. If you are interested in this school of thought, please post an email address and I'll tell you more 
Fredo, you're my older brother and I love you, but dont ever take sides with anyone against the family again
Re: Religion
05/21/05 06:20 AM
05/21/05 06:20 AM
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State Asylum
Originally posted by The Iceman: I have no beliefs one way or the other when it comes to heaven/hell. Now others do and that's fine by me, but the one thing I hate is when people try and force their religious beliefs on others...Now if anything I said offended anyone here then please accept my apologies in advance. No apologies are necessary here, Ice! As Geoff says under this categorey, if folks don't like the topic or particular members, they can ignore them. I just wanted to respond mainly to your first statement. As I said, as carnal as I am, I'm no one to preach. But what you have to understand about Christians in particular, is that they do have a mandate to spread the Gospel. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus Himself made that clear. I'm guessing your thoughts on that are probably a lot like mine: It's not the fact that people share their faith, but rather, how they share it. Far too many believers have a self-righteous, holier-than-thou approach and basically beat others over the head with the Bible. Truth be told, that's what turned me OFF from Christianity for years...that, and hypocrisy. Of course, by certain believers, I myself would be judged a hypocrite. I mean, hey, look at my avatar! And I know folks have seen how racy I can get in my posts. (There's even a poll on who's nastier, me or Part!  ) But these are precisely the self-righteous type of believers to which I'm referring. What they fail to grasp is that Christ didn't come to convert "righteous" people; He came to transform sinners, and I certainly qualify!  The holier-than-thou crowd neglects the grace of God in their techniques and in their lives. They forget that they, too, were just as vile and filthy in God's eyes as the worst sinner you can dream up, I don't care how "goody-goody" they were/are. That's not to say that once converted, we're free to sin all we want. I readily confess that I'm not up-to-par on the moral level as I should be. But the difference is, the self-righteous won't admit their flaws. Jesus didn't condemn people who cursed (He hung out with Peter, who had a sailor's mouth on him!), or prostitues, or drunkards, or even homosexuals. Now, He didn't condone their behavior either. But my point is, what He did rail against and the sin that riled Him up more than any other was self-righteousness. The 4 Gospels are full of examples. I guess what I'm saying, Ice, is that while you may not agree with what Christians believe and don't like them speaking out about their faith, try to understand that they believe they have a mandate to share it. Now, if one gets in your face and bashes you over the head with the Bible, you have my permission to kick his ass...In fact, I'd probably help you! 
"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God." "God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)
Re: Religion
05/21/05 07:24 AM
05/21/05 07:24 AM
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Mother of Dragons
Mother of Dragons

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Nice post Snake! Here goes what I think about the original question: 1- Yes, I believe there is Heaven and Hell. 2- There might be animals there but not necessarily our pets, but I'm not sure. Just to give you my reasoning without getting into any specific religion, I think Heaven and Hell only means to those who have spirit and are able to make a choice, which is only human. Have you ever seen a wolf blaming himself for slaughtering sheeps which he even didn't wanted to eat? I've not seen one with conscience which I read as spirit. Conscience always judges us inside, blames us and drives us insane when we do wrong. There is no such a thing for animals, they go by their instincts. Scorpion stings, that's in him, there is no punishment for him doing what he does nor there is a reward if he doesn't. But we have this prophet inside and we know very well what's right and what's wrong so there is Heaven and Hell for us. It can be just inside like a spiritual punishment/serenity or some other form we still don't know and we would find out after death.
"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones
Re: Religion
05/21/05 09:44 AM
05/21/05 09:44 AM
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Posts: 122 NJ transplant in Wisconsin
Johnny Stiltz
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1 There is a heaven and a hell -You go to heaven by having an active relationship with Jesus Christ -if you dont have this you are going to the other place
2 i think there are animals in heaven BUT i dont know if they ALL will
as a Christian we are to OPEN the Bible and show people JESUS and the way to HIM not CLOSE the bible and beat them on the head til they think our way !!!!
Johnny Stiltz "Take the gun leave the canolis with me "
Re: Religion
05/21/05 10:14 AM
05/21/05 10:14 AM
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Mother of Dragons
Mother of Dragons

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Originally posted by Krlea: Animals never committed original sin... Then how did they end up on Earth?!  (j/k)
"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones
Re: Religion
05/21/05 10:16 AM
05/21/05 10:16 AM
Joined: Nov 2004
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Don Smitty
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The 5th circle of hell
Originally posted by afsaneh77: [quote]Originally posted by Krlea: [b]Animals never committed original sin... Then how did they end up on Earth?!  (j/k) [/b][/quote]If u believe the word of the Bible, God tells Adam that animals were put on the earth to serve men. DS
Re: Religion
05/21/05 05:23 PM
05/21/05 05:23 PM
Joined: Nov 2002
Posts: 12,543 Gateshead, UK
Capo de La Cosa Nostra

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Gateshead, UK
Yeah, it'll be closed because people take extremes to extremes. I'm very extreme in my atheism, but would never judge a believer in an overly biased way because of it. Others, alas, are not like this, and feel that they're opinion is fact. Wrong.
What do I believe?
That religion is a substitution for truth. To live by religion is to live in falseness, in utter falsity. Worshipping powers too intangible to be questioned, touched, felt. I appreciate it can help people through bad times, but if people can't get through bad times in an honest and truthful way, then religion is in a sense the cause of the world's endless unsocialness, unequal distribution of wealth, war, suffering, and religion also plays upon people's fears.
I can't help but laugh at people who take the Bible literally. Noah's Ark, for example: who on God's fine green heavenly Earth would have travelled to the Arctic to invite Peter the Polar Bear and his wife along to the trip? Who would have gone to the African Plains to fetch Larry the Lion and his fiancée? The Bible is fiction which contradicts itself time and time again. The reason why Christianity has two sides of the divide: Catholicism, Protestantism.
Either way, I despise religion for what it causes (war). Religion never produces. It destroys. It can often heal, but what does it heal? It's all aritificial.
But I don't know of one incident on this board or in general real life where a discussion like this has converted people to either the Dark Side or atheism.
...dot com bold typeface rhetoric. You go clickety click and get your head split. 'The hell you look like on a message board Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?
Re: Religion
05/21/05 05:54 PM
05/21/05 05:54 PM
Joined: Apr 2004
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Joined: Apr 2004
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The north
I don't believe in any Religions
Think john Lennon put christianity best for me: "Christinity will go. It will vanish amd shrink. I needn't argue about that. I'm right and will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now. I don't know which will go first - rock and roll or christinity. Jesus was alright but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twistingit that ruins it for me."
I pretty much agree with all of that and not because i find John Lennon a messiah but because I think it's more true than anything in the Bible.
and yes i do realise i will get abuse for this but it's my views on religion if you don't like it then tough.
Who's keyzer soze?
How are thou, thou globby bottle of cheap stinking chip-oil. Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles you eunich jelly thou.