This six-episode Netflix series centers around Don Fabrizio Corbera (Kim Rossi Stuart), Prince of Sarna, a Bourbon nobleman whose Sicilian fiefdom is bending under the Garibaldi hurricane blowing through the Italian peninsula and across to Sicily in 1860. He still expect, and gets, deference from the natives and officials, but he knows his position is getting more tenuous by the month. His objectives are to do right by his beloved nephew Tancredi (Saul Nanni), who, along with other nobles, throws in with Garibaldi's Red Shirts, and his daughter Concetta (Benedetta Porcaroli), whom he wants to marry off to his family's advantage. This is a Super Soap, but the action keeps you riveted to the Machiavellian maneuvering the Prince pulls off, and the compromises he makes, to retain his position. The acting is exceptional despite being dubbed in English from the original Italian, and the filming of the lush, beautiful Sicilian countryside and lavish palaces is beyond gorgeous. Thoroughly enjoyable.

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.