Killian Maddox, the name star Jonathan Majors wants you to remember. Maddox is an amateur bodybuilder with dreams of winning the big competitions and getting his body on the covers of magazines. However, while Maddox struggles with his physical limitations (at least physical limitations in his mind), he's also dealing with some mental problems as well. Reminiscent of a Travis Bickle or Arthur Fleck, the film is a study of a loner character dealing with mental issues. As with the former 2, Majors keeps in step by turning in probably the best performance of his career. It's a tragedy what's happened in his personal life as this, I believe, should have in the very least garnered him an Oscar nomination for Best Actor (if not outright winning it). It's quite evident this was filmed around the time of CREED III as Majors is in the best shape of his life. The hard work to prepare for both characters is obvious and shows just what people who train like this, how restrictive and disciplined they are to achieve these results. I applaud and am grateful distributor Briarcliff Entertainment picked this off the scrap pile and gave it the proper release it deserved. I'm not excusing what Majors has been convicted of but I do believe in second chances. And while I despise the cancel culture society of today, I really hope this is the type of performance that can springboard Majors back into the Hollywood spotlight as he clearly has much more to give to this art form. The best picture I've seen so far this year. 8/10