Originally Posted by Lou_Para

Although the 1964 Civil Rights act was signed into law by LBJ,Kennedy is credited for laying much of the ground work.

I disagree.
There were no blacks in JFK's cabinet or among his special assistants. The Kennedy Administration’s response to the early Civil Rights movement was diffident. Attorney General Robert Kennedy’s first reaction to the violent Freedom Ride attacks was to ask civil rights leaders to desist because the violence was giving the Soviets more fodder for anti-American propaganda—in effect, blaming the victims for the crime. JFK deferred to segregationist Southern Congressional leaders in appointments to the federal bench and other key positions. Into 1963, JFK, when asked about segregation, said it was "a matter for the states to decide"--the party line of Southern segregationists.
RFK approved wiretaps on Martin Luther King after FBI director J. Edgar Hoover warned that King was surrounded by “Communists”; Hoover used the taps as part of the illegal “COINTELPRO” operation that sought to discredit King, and other civil rights and antiwar leaders and groups. He sent excerpts of King's philandering in hotel rooms to RFK, who played them for his guests to "prove" that King wasn't a moral paragon--as if he and his brother were.
A KKK bombing of a black Birmingham AL church, killing four little girls and wounding 17 others, stimulated JFK to introduce a civil rights bill. But the Kennedy brothers initially opposed the March on Washington in 1963 because they feared that a large crowd of Blacks would turn violent. After they relented, they arranged for King’s hotel room to be bugged, and instructed an administration advance man, assigned to help with audio arrangements, to cut off the sound system if rhetoric became violent or radical.
At the time of JFK's assassination, the civil rights bill was dead in committee. Johnson, who had far more empathy with blacks and vastly greater commitment to civil rights, revived it and got it passed.

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.