The Elephant in the room — Tom is not a wartime
consiglieri In fact not much of a peace time
consiglieri either
even in routine simple matters, Michael
had to guide Tom
Michael: “You're not a wartime Consiglieri Tom Things may get rough with the move we're trying”
Sonny: “Goddamn it! If I had a wartime consiglieri -- a Sicilian -- I wouldn't be in this shape! Pop had Genco -- look what I got”
- penultimate boathouse scene
I see it differently.... "boathouse meeting" was Tom's [self] punishment!
Tom asked the question "-- in front of Rocco and Neri"
"Why did you ask me if something was wrong when I came in?"
So Michael answered "-- in front of Rocco and Neri"
Then Tom was trying to discourage Michael from killing Roth — on the run now — but Roth will always be a threat to Michael
A man like Roth would never rest
until Michael was dead or destroyed
- "The Art of the Deal" Trump style!
Michael giving brother! Tom a drink and making Tom the Don Well....'Band of Brothers'