Originally posted by dontomasso:
[QUOTE]Well Snake as for that last part of your posting...... :rolleyes:
Hey, but it's also "freedom of speech"!

Anyway, the bottom line is that I can see how anyone who is black would get offended by the "N" bomb (except, as you pointed out, if it's said in a rap song...I'm still working on that paradox!), and so on and so forth. But you see, you can't say I'm out of line for calling flag-burning a "crime," when it's something I (and many others) find offensive just because it's "freedom of speech." All of those other examples are also "freedom of speech" and perfectly legal to say. Yet those are viewed more contemptible than flag-burning by the liberl elite, so I'm an idiot for finding offense in what I value? If the liberals want a truly "just" and "free" society as they loudly bemoan, then they need to show a little more consistency and put away their double-standards.

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)