I was gonna post this earlier and reading the new posts above has reminded me.

I have to say this is a trickier issue than I at first thought. That is certanly a good example about the distinction people are making between pissing on the koran being unacceptable but burning a flag being a right. I'm with you Irish, I see from everyone's comments that it's not as clean cut as I would like to think. However...

1) My first point is that this is much like the issue of censorship. I think censorship is extremely dangerous, I abhor the burning of books and the withholding of knowledge from people. But does this mean I condone fascist websites and publications? I believe in freedom of speech, but does that mean I condone racially inflammatory public speakers and the spreading of fascist ideology?
I honestly have no answer for this. But I really feel that as dangerous as allowing such expression may be, I would feel a lot less safe living in a society where expression which was not pleasing to The Powers That Be is not permitted. I don't want to be an ostrich, as scary as raising my head above the sand may be.

2) My second point is that, political correctness aside, apparently it depends who's doing the dissing. It's like, black people can call each other the N word; fat people can tell fat jokes; gay people can tell gay jokes; I can take the piss out of other bisexual people; but if a white person, a thin person, or a straight person tried to do the same it would be generally deemed offensive. I've never quite figured that one myself, but that's how it goes.

If a muslim burns an american flag, or an american pisses on the koran, yes, this is offensive. It is a hostile, disrespectful action. But as DonT said, if it is a muslim protesting by desecrating the koran, or an american protesting by desecrating a flag, maybe we need to consider that it might not be any of our business?
If for some reason unknown to man or beast I decided to take a shit on the Union Jack, yeah I would offend certain people. But I kinda feel entitled. I would not, however, crap on the Irish flag, because that's not mine to crap on! It's not my symbol to deface.

Last point in this encyclopaedia of blather... and this one may get me shot. I don't mean to offend, I barely dare type it... But you know, freedom of speech and all that...

If an american really feels strongly enough about America to set their own national flag on fire (some of them must, or why would you have to ban it?) I'm not sure that legislating against it is going to be any more use than putting a bandaid on a haemorrage. Just like killing one warlord will not solve the problems that turn men into warlords. Prohibiting forms of protest in the States will not remove the discontent that causes people to protest, just as IMO blowing up terrorists will not remove the problems that move terrorists to protest.

*If anyone wants me I'll be hiding in a nuclear bunker in the Antarctic*

Senator, we are both part of the same hypocrisy