Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Dr. and Josie,

I am curious to know what the laws are, if there are any, about burning the British Flag? Can either of you give us some insight as to your laws or even your sentiments about an act like this taking place in your country?

Don Cardi
DC, you might be interested in this: in India, the flag is protected ridiculously by the constitution. Burning is out of question(ofcourse some terrorists do it in spite of this). I cannot even hoist the flag on my roof. A few years ago, a law was passed to allow people to hoist the flags on Independence day alone. Flags cannot fly after evening. I cannot wrap it around my body (so, forget making bras and bikinis with them ). Ofcourse this is the theory. Many movies and clothes designers bypass these rules by not including the blue colored wheel in the middle of the flag and just using the tri-color(without the wheel, it is not the official Indian flag).
Since it is illegal to desecrate the flag in India, there is no question of tolerating such behavior. But if it were not banned by the constitution, I am all for doing whatever with it. I cannot be patriotic to a ridiculous extent. Patriotism is like religion... too much of it obscures your vision.