Originally posted by The Dr. who fixed Lucy:
[quote] originally posted by DC
[b]Why did you keep directing your comments towards the people from the south?
Maybe because Southerners come out with oxymoronic little gems like this:

originally posted by Wiseguy 1872
In US terms I would be considered a liberal ... I entirely understand why an amendment to prohibit flag-burning is sought.
The very essence of liberalism is freedom ... freedom to dessicrate livery with impunity. Maybe someone right of the NRA would consider Wiseguy 1872 and his biblebelt ilk to be liberal, but no objective political scholar would share this opinion.

Ever heard of "I disagree with what you say but I defend to the death your right to say it"???

Like I said, I like Southern folk ... they are genteel and have excellent social skills. They are the salt of the Earth ... etc. But they are generally politically very primitive in their single-mindedness. [/b][/quote]First I think Wiseguy 1872 is from the UK not the US and second you lose all credibility when you say "Southerners" say this. So ALL southerners share that view? You obviously just made this up in your head so I'm wondering what you think is going on.

Your generalizations do not make you look like you know what you're talking about, it's quite the opposite.

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"