Personally, I am so sick of this "cruelty to animals" crap. I have pets, love them, and would never harm them. BUT, I also have two fur coats, lots of leather goods, and love a rare steak. I have had it with these idiots. Why does every single movie have to have that stupid disclaimer about the animals not being harmed during the making of the film?

I heard the most amazing statistic today. There are more animal shelters in the US than shelters for the victims of domestic violence. Why don't these women who march outside of Saks Fifth Avenue and throw paint on the mink coats go volunteer their time at a daycare center, or taking care of crack babies, or babies born with HIV? Why don't they join Big Brothers/Sisters and help mentor a child in need? Why don't they go volunteer in a soup kitchen??

Like I said, I love my animals, but I value human life even more. My mother-in-law is one of those animal nuts. We went to a wedding last week, so she came over to stay with the kids. When we got back, she was going on and on about how "adorable she was, how sweet, we had such a nice day together", and I thought she was talking about one of my daughters, but she was talking about my dog!!

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club