Apple: Im not saying here thats good or bad, I was just telling you, what vegans dont eat, thats all, Im not here for changing anyone minds, I chose what I chose , b/c I wanted, I`m not an extremist and krlea and others who knows me a bit more knows that, I´m not even agree with all PETA says, like animals in labs, I work in labs, I´m almost a pyschologist so my work is based in watch animals in the lab for learn more about human bahavior, Im not a hypocrite, I´m not even an activist, I just wanted to show the other side of the info here, b/c for some people its important, in my case I dont even have to agree with it in a 100% way, I know its hilarious for you, etc , like why dont eat honey or tofu feels pain or whatever and I respect that, I get the same from my family and friends for 8 years, so its even hilarious for me, I dont wanna change anyone here or convert, Im not in that , only I wanted to give my opinion, like an active vegetarian/vegan for 8 years, thats all.


" What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy?"

" Take me out tonight
Because I want to see people and I
Want to see life"- there is a light that never goes out by The smiths.