Well I spoke with one of my cousins earlier today concerning the wedding. We spoke at length for about 30 minutes, and she supports my decision 100% apparently one of her sisters took what I said and twisted it to make me out to be the bad guy(man I don't need no help for that

I told her that during the cousins first wedding I never spoke up, to maintain the peace. Even though I knew the wedding was a mistake. And I also said that I promised myself that if I thought she was making another mistake(which I truly do)then I would either speak up or just not attend.
Now I hope I'm wrong in all of this I just want my cousin to be happy she deserves it.
I still plan on attending the Iron Maiden concert(heck I have to I've already got tickets) cause I think this will be my one & only chance to see them live.
I've always been the type of person that says what he thinks, I've never minced words if people don't like it. Then that's to bad.