Originally posted by Chilltown:

And trust me in regards to having a sense of humor about the situation i have no problem having a laugh at my own expense. I've done the stereotypical drag show but at the same time its heartbreaking to read a thread that is in good humor-as this one is-and then see response denying homosexuality, making generalizations, and just, imo, being unsympathetic.

In short i'm sorry if i caused a rukus, lol i didnt mean it to be a grand return, but just be a little bit more aware.
I understand your point, but I think that flagrant homosexuality, which we are mocking here (not necessarily the act of homosexuality itself, which I happen to disagree with, but that's not the point), is subject to the same ridicule as is marriage, heterosexual sex, politics, and any other number of assorted topics. Just because something is sensitive to one particular person doesn't necessarily mean that it is in the interest of the majority to stop them from doing it.

What I'm trying to say is this - I think marriage is a sacred and noble institution that should be treated with the utmost respect - that doesn't mean I'm not going to laugh at Partagas' jokes about it. I don't think it offends anyone here who is married, and even if it did, they are a bit too hypersensitive to tell the difference between bashing and humour.

It's like my policy on Chappelle - we make fun of everybody, no exceptions. We don't discriminate.