Oh ya DVC? I dare you to rent THIS tomorrow:

EDISON (2005)


Back in 2004, Justin "Pop Hack" Timberlake's "acting" debut of a cop thriller, with Kevin "My publicists say I aint gay, alright?" Spacey and Morgan "Fuck the Penguins!" Freeman. Ok, so shot back in 2004, test screenings were about as successfull as American attempts to stop the North Koreans from being nuclear weapon armed...as in, SHIT.

Then its pushed back and back, to the point that its finally released, but bypassing theaters to DVD.

I caught this floater back in 2005 on bootleg. Why? Maybe I felt I was getting "exclusive" seeing a movie pre-release. Instead, I felt like an asshole.

Really, even the self-indulgence of Oliver Stone with ANY GIVEN SUNDAY is still GUNS OF THE NAVARONE compared to EDISON.