Answers to your ?'s

I assume your mother-in-law has Type 2 Diabetes?
How long ago was she diagnosed?
Not sure
How old is she?
Is she active? How much exercise does she do on a regualr basis?
ANy disease complications yet? -- vision, neuropothy? kidneys? cardio, etc...
She does not heal good like when she gets a bruise. She's been having alot of leg pains
What does she take -- an oral agent, insulin? etc...
She's on meds for it don't know which one.
Who is her medical support group? solely a family practicioner, or does she also vist with an endocrinologist, CDE, dietician, foot doctor, etc....
I think she just see's her family doctor.
Her problem is she has late dinners, no exercise, She has heart problems, she is depending on meds to help her out instead of changing the way she eats or her life style.

Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12