Well I don'r know about limiting who can and who cnnot come into a political forum. In that case one should just go to Yahoo and start their own PRIVATE Political forum with private membership.

I do think that a seperate OPEN forum for Political News and Debates may work.

What I think happens sometimes is that one may tell himself or herself that they are NOT going to get involved in the political topics. But they go into General for something else, see a Poltical Topic that may get the best of their curiosity, and then wander into that topic and before you know it they are involved and start making personal remarks, etc. Let's face it, MOST of the personal attacks and remarks seem to come from those who obviously do not really have any interest in the actual topic at hand, and they make remarks that do NOT really contribute to the topic. Now maybe, just maybe, if there was a totally seperate thread, it may weed out some, not all, but some of those who are the repeat problem in these political topics.

And Yes, If it is too much for SC and Geoff, then of course Geoff could always appoint someone to CO-Moderate that thread along with him and SC. But in truth, that person would have to remain objective and it would probably be best that they NOT get involved in the debates.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.