PLaw I see your point on the hotels and you are right. If we wait, a better deal is likely. Although there is still plenty of time IMHO, I wouldn't mind setting at least a date/place by say the first of the year. Being the only one thus far flying in, I can try to book a flight before the airfare skyrockets like I expect it will. If it gets too pricey to fly, then that would put a damper in my budget.
Just for a quick far those expressing a desire to go are:
PLaw & gf SC & Lori Geoff DMC & gf DC & wife SB & Hubby Myself Don Smitty & wife Apple (if in NYC) Mig & daughter
That's 17. Not bad!!
Possibly Zia??? What about others in the NY area like JL and DJ??? Who am I missing? Ha ha do I get bonus points for traveling the farthest??
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK