Very good Tony D.
It was a really nice time tonight. As always, the night just seems to fly by. Plaw did a really great job setting this up for us and his choice of appetizers was just perfect. Thank you my friend.
Don Malta is so much fun to hang around with. A really down to earth guy. This is a guy with so many talents and abilities. Someday we are all going to say " I knew him when."
Turnbull, well he's a good man. It's always an honor and a privaledge to be given the opportunity to have him share his unlimited knowledge of movies, real life mob and GF.
Does a great Jack Nickholson!
DMC and his beautiful fiance are such wonderful people. Always a smile on both of their faces. It just amazes me how much knowledge this young man has and how much he knows so much about The GF and real life mob stuff. This is a young man who is going to go very far in life.
Appleonya is very sweet. She kept me in awe with her ability to talk about any movie that was brought up, and her insight into many topics is just so enlightening. A pleasure to be around.
Don Smitty, well he's just a big teddy bear who's bark is bigger than his bite. A heart of gold. He wears his heart on his sleeve and has such a passion for all this gangster stuff.
Mr. Babe is such a gentleman, and a lot of fun to be around. A real happy go lucky guy that just goes with the flow. He fits right in with this crew and I was impressed how he held his own when to came to talking about The Godfather.
Sicilian Babe is just that, a real sweet babe! Tonight I noticed something in her. In my eyes she is the female Turnbull of our boards. Just a fountain of knowledge and such terrific understanding about the GF movies.
SC and Lori were missed by all.
It was such a pleasure to be able to spend an evening with all you guys and gals. Let's do it again soon.
Don Cardi