$200 billion. Dammit. Too bad we can't just have the people who voted for Bush to pay it.
Mmm, since, after all, they aren't taxpayers too.

Of course, if you listen to your party's chairman, Howard Dean, Republicans such as myself have never worked an honest day in our lives.

Then again, we can't all marry ketchup heiresses.

I have to give him credit for not being suicidal yet.

Less than 1/3 of the country approves of him, his handling of Katrina, and the Iraq War.
Let's think of some other poor presidential ratings...

Lincoln, well, half the nation hated him, enough to kill him.

Andrew Johnson, hated him, enough to impeach him.

LBJ, yeah, his approval rating was in the shitter.

Nixon too, he had to resign.

Jimmy Carter...energy crisis? 'Nuff said.

Because, after all, a bad approval rating clearly means you should go shoot yourself.

Hell, by your logic, Clinton could've done us all a favor after we all learned of his blowjob by doing himself in, but...oh no, I've besmirched the sacred and unimpeachable (gasp) name of William Jefferson Clinton.

He doesn't know the difference between a statement and a question, as you can see in Turi's thread. Ha. I am loving it.
Yes, after all, since you clearly show a superlative grasp of grammar and syntax. :rolleyes:

I thought it was rather clear that I said the people who voted for Bush, the man who messed everything up, should have to pay off the $200 billion that will be used to rebuild.
Oh, good, then you liberals can pay for 9/11 and all the welfare cases in the US, because, after all, it was defense cuts that caused the security problems, and you all support welfare, right? That should be a few hundred billion, at least.

George took the blame, so yes.
Ooh, yeah, he huffed, puffed, and blew New Orleans down!

Let's try and be a little more precise here, Pat, before you dig yourself an even deeper hole.

President Bush is not responsible for the damage caused by the hurricane. The hurricane is responsible for that.

What he is responsible for is the response by Fema to the the damage caused by the hurricane.
Why stop him? He's gonna need a steam shovel pretty soon.

However, I thought it presposterous that part of his plan is for these people to rebuild the city with low-interest loans from the SBA. These people don't have any underwear, much less collateral to pledge to start a new business. And given the success rate of new businesses, that seems like a particularly brilliant way to go.
Well, I do think that we should try and employ some of the ideas of the Roosevelt administration, like the CCC or the WPA, where we hire the natives of New Orleans and pay them, so that they all have jobs and are rebuilding at the same time. The loan idea is to get them cash, SB, after all, they will rise again.