Haha. DJ, when you can make a post without trying to make a joke or using sarcasm, than I will reply to it. Thanks buddy. I counted 7 attempts in that post alone. :p

Mmm, since, after all, they aren't taxpayers too.
There's some sarcasm.

Then again, we can't all marry ketchup heiresses.
Attempt to crack a joke...failed. It might've been funny during the campaign.


Hell, by your logic, Clinton could've done us all a favor after we all learned of his blowjob by doing himself in, but...oh no, I've besmirched the sacred and unimpeachable (gasp) name of William Jefferson Clinton.
That was a little better than the ketchup comment.

Yes, after all, since you clearly show a superlative grasp of grammar and syntax. :rolleyes:
Some more sarcasm.

Oh, good, then you liberals can pay for 9/11 and all the welfare cases in the US, because, after all, it was defense cuts that caused the security problems, and you all support welfare, right? That should be a few hundred billion, at least.
Guess that means you republicans owe atleast $400 billion for Iraq and New Orleans. That post was ok, DJ. You're getting a little better.

Ooh, yeah, he huffed, puffed, and blew New Orleans down!
We aren't talking about the '3 Little Pigs' here.

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur