Funny story concerning all of this, back in the day (what am I saying?!? it was like 8 years ago) when these were popular, I purposely made sure I didnt get involved, knew Id blow a bunch of money and bother my parents, just didnt want to get into it all. I actually made a little bit of a nice killing during the whole craze though.

During my lunch period, Id ask to go to the bathroom, and sneak back to my empty classroom. Back then, we each had our own desk where we kept all of our stuff. Id sneak in, go in some kid's desk, and just snatch all of the pokemon cards I could find. Then Id go back to lunch and start sellin em off. Worked pretty well for a while.

One day during recess, I snuck inside, trying to lay my hands on some new merchandise. I had been in the classroom for about a minute, Im reaching in this kids bag to see if he has any cards, and low and behold, what do I hear? A knock on the window, and theres my teacher, staring at me.

Well long story short, since it was dark in the classroom, I was able to convince my teacher I was simply getting something in *my* bag, not the kid's next to me, a close call none the less. That incident ended my days of high profile grade school pokemon card stealing, too much stress.

Call me a criminal mastermind, call me a man with nerves of steel, but in the end, I was just a greedy little bastard.

I dream in widescreen.