Well, the final tallies are in, and we have our winner.
4th - (2 Votes)
Don Vercetti 3rd - (4 Votes)
Irishman12 2nd - (14 Votes)
Plawrence and in
1st place , our GangsterBB Hall of Fame initial inductee, with a very impressive 19 votes, is the Don himself,
J Geoff .
It was a close race all the way my friends, but in the end, the man who started it all emerged the victor. A job well done to all of the contestants; your input and participation in this board is clearly very much appreciated.
Don Malta, what can I say that hasn't already been stated? We all thank you endlessly for your masterful creation and upkeep of these boards. You are funny, intelligent, creative, albeit nonsenical at times.

Thank you from all of us.
I will now present Don Geoff with his Official Certificate of Induction.
Does the Don have any words?
Once this matter is settled, we can begin the 2nd round of nominations. Would someone else like to nominate 4 people?
And keep in mind, previously nominated members
can be renominated.
and thanks from me to our four nominees and all who voted.