I actually led a "revolt" of some sort against MySpace when it was stealing all of my friends away from me. I tried to organize an army of Xangans, but soon, all was lost, and I waved the white flag.

It's mostly just a joke to me, but my friends believe my hatred of MySpace is all too real. I truly do refuse to get a page for myself, but I'll look at my friends' every so often, since a few have given me their links in the past - guess I'm nosy...but I prefer "curious." I found out recently that my close bud gave in and got one without telling me (apparently figuring I'd never come across her page), and someone else left her a comment assuring her that she "won't tell Gina."

I suppose this makes me a spy, considering this secret information I've gained, and yes, I do plan to use it to my advantage someday.

(I know. I need a life.)