Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
What are all these things? Chatboxes, MSN-like stuff?
It's kind of like an online profile, where you list stuff about yourself, and keep a "journal" (sort of blog-like).

I can't stand it. The only one I would even consider is Facebook, simply to keep together with college buddies who transfer or whatever. But I already do that with, I know, conventional methods like email and (gasp) the telephone.

Plus, I really don't see why anyone would give a shit as to what happened in my life on a daily basis, unless I was a major political/sports/musical/etc. celebrity. And even then, that's unnecessary.

"Well, this morning I had a good shite. A good, long shite. In the bathroom, a good shite. Unlocked my door, then locked it after going outside. Walked down the street to the local shop, bought a drink. Walked back home. Unlocked my door, then locked it after going inside. Sat down and watched sportcenter. Read a book. I died. The end." :p

Actually, they've grown controversial because some authorities troll them to catch illegal activity (I remember a story where they nabbed a bunch of drinkers in a town someplace around here for underage drinking, and they used pictures posted on the site as evidence :p ) as well as pedophiles seeking out victims through the profiles.