>>April's father surrounds the family with symbols of his beliefs — specifically the Nazi swastika. It appears on his belt buckle, on the side of his pick-up truck and he's even registered it as his cattle brand with the Bureau of Livestock Identification.

"Because it's provocative," explains April of the cattle brand, "to him he thinks it's important as a symbol of freedom of speech that he can use it as his cattle brand."<<


Let's scream and yell to remove religious symbols from public places, let's go to courts to take the words Under God out of the pledge, let's protest for the removal of all and any references to God from society. But it's ok to allow these girls to promote racisim and hate by singing these kinds of songs and sporting swastikas in public.

Then everyone wonders why this country is becoming a crazy place with no morals in it.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.