Originally posted by Don Smitty:
[quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
[b] Wasn't it you who agreed that it was okay to torture suspected terrorists? Does this mean that you're a Nazi and that you're demoralizing the country? Puhleeze. What are your opinions on the Communist, Socialist, and Black Power parties in the US? Should they be banned also?
Pat, you are so off base with that comparison. We are talking about a race of people, Nazi's, who tortured and maimed people for research purposes. They broke babys arms over and over again to see how many times it could be broken before that baby would die. They brought innocent familes to gas chambers and gassed them to death for no reason except that they were of a differnt religion. Nazi's tortured and killed millions of people for the sheer hecll of it. To rid the world of a race and religion of people that they did not want around anymore. Maybe you need to pay more attention in school so you could learn about these things then instead of sitting on your computer throughout the day.

If communists, black power, and any other party in this country breed hate preech hate and carry out hate crimes against innocent people then they should all be banned.

DS [/b][/quote]What do you mean I should be in school? Where do you think I am right now? And you didn't answer my question. Did you agree that it was okay to torture suspected terrorists? If you agreed that it was okay to torture suspected terrorists, then doesn't that make you no better than a Nazi who wants to murder someone because of religion or race?

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur