I think the only reason this even made it into the news is because they look like such sweet little girls.

They're not the first people in this country who have sung racist songs or made racist art, and they certainly won't be the last.

There are millions of Americans who are just like them. Some are less obvious than others, and many disguise their racism and pretend that their concerns lie elsewhere, such as financial status. A lot of people pass their racism off as snobbery, because that's more socially acceptable. But that's flawed logic because there are rich people from a lot of different races, and the snobs I'm referring to still don't accept them.

The family in the article wants to move the the NW because they want to find a white community. You guys think that's unheard of? Here in California, we have several white communities. Especially in Orange County, the land of the "gated community." They're not labeled as white communities, but they are. If you see a Mexican in some of those communities, it's because he's mowing a lawn. I'm sure this is even more true in states that are not as diverse as California. My point is that if this mentality exists even here, where we have so many different races of people, how much more does it exist in middle America?

Furthermore, I mentioned racist songs and art above. That is not only white supremacist art that I'm talking about. The Getty Museum here had an exhibit of African American art a couple of years ago. There was a lot of racism and "down with the white man" concepts in it. Same with Mexican-American art from the first half of the century. There's some beautiful art from that style, especially the 1920s and 30s, but a lot of it is so racist.

And people who think that those sentiments died with the times are completely out of touch.

This can't really be banned. How do you legislate against personal prejudices and free expression? People can be educated, and many are. So far in this thread, everyone has agreed that this family is morally wrong. This means that even though there is no law saying that we must disagree with them, we do anyway. If you want the government to stop them, on what grounds can you justify so much government involvement in something so immaterial? They're not killing anyone, they're not taking anyone's rights away, and they're not even staying close enough to any minority groups to inflict any harm on them. They're moving away from them, even. I say let them sing their little hearts out if that's what they want to do, and focus on and arrest the people who actually are out there committing hate crimes and murders. That just seems a little more pressing to me than a couple of 13-year-old Olsen lookalikes singing about white power.