Originally posted by Double-J:
I'm surprised that the whole Hitler thing hasn't brought more anger from the left. After all, the last time I mentioned Adolph people wanted to ban me. :rolleyes:
Nobody wanted to ban you.

It was just that comparing a member here to Hitler was considered by some to be, shall we say to put it politely, in "poor taste".

As far as this thread goes, there are really two things going on here:

First, is the views of these people and their support of Nazism with the attendant hate that goes along with this views.

Second is the right of these people to have these views.

I chose to adress the second issue only. I personally detest Nazis, as I do members of several other political persuasions.

I think (or, at least, hope) we can all agree that Nazis are despicable people, etc., and to add my agreement to that would merely be redundant.

"Difficult....not impossible"