Originally posted by Double-J:
[quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Double-J:
[b] It's ALL Bush's fault. :rolleyes:
Word. There's no doubt in my mind none of this would be happening if we would've never went to war with Iraq. We should stop being friends with Israel too. That would help. [/b][/quote]Since, of course, terrorism HASN'T been going on for most of the 20th century... :rolleyes:
Hmm...the intifadas...preIraq. USS Cole...preIraq. WTC...preiraq. I see a trend here...
BTW - I was being sarcastic blaming Bush, I didn't realize I had to bring back my [/sarcasm] disclaimer for some people. [/b][/quote]It's Reagan's fault that these terrorists even got anything started... Who would've thought about what $3 billion and expert CIA training could do?

Whaddya fear more, DJ? Communism or terrorism? Or is it both?