Originally posted by Mad Johnny:
Don't all of you think this war/terrorism thing is turning into an eye for an eye battle?
No, it's a war for survival. It's a war that MUST be fought to save the future of many nations, the future of our children's lives. It's not an eye for an eye battle. If it were then we would have already killed those terrorists who we have in custody and who have already been convicted of terrorist acts. It a war to catch those, and kill if neccessary, who want to destroy the lives of you and I. And if they are caught they are brought to justice. To stand trial. That's not an eye for an eye.
Originally posted by Mad Johnny:
Terrorists killed 3,000 Americans so Americans killed 20,000 Iraqis...
Please don't try to make it sound as though the Americans set out to kill innocent Iraqis! Don't make it look as though the Americans intent was to kill 20,000 innocent Iraqis. The Americans and the coalition set out to help the Iraqi people and it's nation, with the intent of capturing and killing TERRORISTS.
Don Cardi