Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
[quote]Originally posted by JustMe:
[b] And to go out and cheat on your husband with nearly everyone around is being just vulnerable, right?
Yes, it may be. You don't go out and cheat on your husband if you are happy and respected. [/b][/quote]Why not? I heard such stories. But that's not the point. Cheating doesn't make anyone happy and respected. It is not a decision of any problem, it's just increasing them. If you call it dishonesty in Charles, isn't it in her case?
Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:

Mind you, I'm not saying that Diana was a saint, I just think she was terribly alone and unhappy.
Camilla might be also very lonely and unhappy when this 19-year old intruder came and stole from her the man she loved. It's not her fault.

keep your mouth shut, and your eyes open.