Totally rocks!

So you stayed in your hometown, you published the novel. What about the 2nd project mentioned in the story?- the movie? Will it be funded? While you're still living in your hometown?

A few more questions,if ya dont mind :

1)You say it won 2nd place. Which story won 1st place? Did you read it, and do you think it is indeed better than yours?

2)Have you ever lived in London? I'm sure you've been there many times, but if it was the other way round' - if some outowner came to visit Tyneside every now and then, do you think he could fully grasp the city's heart as someone who lives there?
Im just asking cos Im curious about London, is there really not much merit to it besides red buses and rhyming slang? (I've only been there once, but that was years ago, so Im just curiuos)

3)Can you please post this picture :

>>>>St. James' Park still stood there, proud and redundant; the birds still circled overhead, oblivious and stress-free; the grass was still intensely green in the sunshine; the stone lions still sat at either side like fiercely loyal guards, looking on into eternity.>>>>>>
I'd like to see the real image you visualized while writing this.
I hope you have the exact picture with the lions/Park and the right setting of the sun

4) This is the most important question :

We are all happy readers of this tale. But what about the most important reader?

Did you show it to her--to "she" ?

I dont mean it in a way of "lookie here, told ya I could publish a novel"....I mean simply that she may be interested to read a novel where shes one of the main characters


Anyway, you dont have to answer my questions if you dont fell like, 'specially if you're too busy writing your next story

Once again, SPLENDID work Capo - thank you for sharing!

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)