For us, grades don't matter. They only matter for the people going into investment banking, which I'm not doing. So basically, we have to get a 3.0 GPA to graduate. They will only give a B- or lower to the bottom 10% of the class. So as long as you can beat a handful of people in your class, then you're fine. I'm lost in accounting but I'm still in the top half of the class (barely). And in some of the other subjects where I really don't have time to study for, I'm in the bottom half of the class (below the mean) but still ahead of a good 40-45% of my classmates, safely within B range.
But undergrad IS different. You can fail out. I don't recommend Geoff's method of studying for undergrad. Save that stuff for grad school (unless you're going to law school or med that case, get ready to work).